Springtime Preview: Blooms at Arabia Mountain
Monadnock Madness is on the horizon! With our annual hiking and outdoor celebration beginning in just a few weeks, we wanted to give y’all a preview of what you can...
Monadnock Madness is on the horizon! With our annual hiking and outdoor celebration beginning in just a few weeks, we wanted to give y’all a preview of what you can...
Flat Rock is one of the oldest African-American communities in Georgia, with a history that stretches from before the Civil War to the present day. The Flat Rock Archives works...
Along with the Monadnock Madness Triple Hike Challenge, there are a host of other events that occur every year to celebrate our marvelous monadnocks. That includes two nature photography workshops...
Latinxhikers is an organization devoted to diversity and inclusion in the outdoors. We sat down with Co-Founder Luz Lituma (the other Co-Founder is Adriana Garcia) after a recent hike and...
Discover Together Lace up your hiking boots and grab your smartphone for a family-fun adventure. We’re combining two of our popular programs — Junior Ranger and Geocaching — to get...
Flat Rock, one of the oldest African-American communities in the state of Georgia and a part of the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, is the subject of an exhibit at...
Mountaintop yoga is one of the main events of Monadnock Madness, our March-long outdoor extravaganza. This outdoor practice is meant for ALL skill levels. Mountaintop yoga will allow you to...
Years before NASCAR existed, black racecar drivers made history on a secluded patch of land in rural Georgia. The story of the Atlanta Stock Car Club (ASCC) has not been...
Honoring the impactful work of long-time volunteers Tom and Killian Smith, 2020 saw the first Smith Arabia Mountain Stewardship Intern, Brandon Brinkley! During his internship, Brandon worked on the...
If you made resolutions to be more active, to learn more about local history, or just to get out in the Arabia Mountain NHA, we are here to help! Keep reading for ideas on how to make the most of...
Over the past few weeks, we've been collecting photos of pets on the trail. Now, you can see all of them in our slideshow! Where do you take your pet? Leashed pets are welcome in much of the National...
Make your loved ones feel extra special this holiday season with thoughtful gifts found nowhere else on earth! You can even relieve some holiday stress with a quick hike along the AMP between stops....