2011 Arabia Mountain Fall Weekend Festival
The Davidson – Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve welcomes you to our annual Fall Festival. Come celebrate the season at this family friendly weekend. All events are free to the public so come to as many as you can! Hundreds of people came out last year and we are excited to welcome even more guests in 2012.
Please feel free to bring lawn chairs and blankets so you can stretch out and relax. Guests are also encouraged to bring family friendly games, kites, or other outdoor activities. Don’t forget a reusable mug for cider and water.
Volunteers are appreciated and needed for this community event. We need help on Friday (5pm-9p) and Sat (9am-3pm). Volunteer opportunities include directing parking, staffing an information booth, and a hay ride assistant. Please contact Kimberly Estep to learn more and sign up. Email: Kimberly@arabiaalliance.org Phone: (770) 542-7131.
All activities at the Wilburn Farm, it is located at 3899 N. Goddard Rd., Lithonia, GA, 30038. The farm is next to the DeKalb County Firing Range. Click here for a Google Map.
Friday, October 19 , 2012
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm: community partner table events, Hayrides and evening campfire program. Please bring your own camp mug for tea or hot chocolate.
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm: Story Telling by Catherine Carter – Ragsdale House Family.
7:00 pm – 9 pm: Croaking Creatures Frog Hike. We will learn which frog species live in Georgia, how to identify them by sight and sound, and why they call. Remember to bring a flashlight!
Saturday, October 20, 2011
9:00 am – 4:00 pm: Hayrides and community partner table events.
10:30 am – 4:00 pm: Ciderfest! Enjoy fresh pressed apple cider, bring the whole family.
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: AWARE live wildlife program. Learn more about native and animals at the Preserve and meet some wild animals
Sunday, October 21, 2011
8:00 am: Fall Hike with Ranger Robby. Please wear long pants, closed toed shoes and sleeved garments for protection. Bug spray and sun screen are strongly advised.