Preserve the Park with Ashley Rivers Photography

We partnered with Ashley Rivers Photography for our Preserve the Park campaign – here’s what she had to say about the NHA:
“The earth is what we all have in common.” —Wendell Berry
Recently I had a chance to visit Arabia Mountain and every time I have been there, I have always been taken aback by the beauty of the park. In April, pools on the barren rock come alive with beautifully red diamorpha before white flowers bloom. These still solution pits hold abundant life while empty of water throughout the year. These diverse ecosystems, unlike anything else, thrive on what appears to be a barren mountain. When taking a closer look at the outcrop, you can see lichen growing where other life struggles to survive. I highly encourage you to visit this beautiful park! When you do visit, be sure to avoid stepping in what appears to be gravel on the mountain, as you could be damaging the seeds of the diamorpha and other unseen life living in the dormant soil. Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area asks you to stay on the bare rock and to leave no trace of your visit. Let’s continue to preserve this park for generations to see.
Photo credit: @ashleyriversphotography
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