Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! On this day and throughout the year, we celebrate the wonder of the natural world. Today is a day to sPark action as part of National Park Week and beyond for a healthier, greener world. Here in the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, there are a few ways to do that:
- Leave No Trace. It’s as simple as that – when you’re hiking, biking or otherwise enjoying the National Heritage Area, pack out your trash, stay on the trail and leave the landscape as you found it. One especially important part of that is to “stay on the gray” when you’re hiking on the rock outcrop, meaning to walk only on the bare granite. Check out the video from Ranger Robby below, where he explains a little more about Leave No Trace hiking and how best to do it when you’re visiting the National Heritage Area:
- Volunteer. Join the Earth Day Trash Grab at Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve this Saturday (Apr. 23rd) and help us keep the greenspace clean. More details here. Keep an eye on our Events page for other volunteer opportunities.
- Keep up the momentum. Earth Day isn’t the only day that the planet matters. Look for ways throughout the year – through recycling, creek cleanups and even larger initiatives – to make sure that the environment stays clean and healthy for everyone to enjoy.