Don’t Miss Out on the Fourth Mountain Challenge!

Monadnock Madness is known for the Triple Hike Challenge, where participants hike Arabia, Panola, and Stone Mountains in Georgia. But did you know that there’s a fourth mountain challenge as well? If you hike Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park and take a selfie, include it with your submission and you’ll earn an extra prize!

Kennesaw Mountain is also a monadnock. Hike Kennesaw to complete the Monadnock Madness fourth-mountain challenge.
That’s right – Kennesaw Mountain is also a monadnock. “Monadnock” refers to a geologic formation that has resisted erosion while the surrounding landscape has receded. These formations tend to have a striking difference compared to the surrounding area (and is one reason why they offer such amazing views for hikers). Other monadnocks in the United States include Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire, Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, and many more. We’re lucky to be surrounded by these geologic marvels in metro Atlanta!
During Monadnock Madness, hiking four of metro-Atlanta’s largest monadnocks will earn you prizes, all while enjoying beautiful springtime in Georgia. We’re almost to the end of March, so head on out and complete the challenge! There’s also still time to sign up for the last mountaintop yoga session.