Discover Your Inner Nature Photographer
Along with the Monadnock Madness Triple Hike Challenge, there are a host of other events that occur every year to celebrate our marvelous monadnocks. That includes two nature photography workshops hosted by veteran nature photographer Larry Winslett.
Nature Photography Workshop
The workshop starts at Stone Mountain before moving to Arabia and, lastly, Panola Mountain. At each site, you’ll work on a different kind of nature photography: at Stone Mountain, participants practice landscape photography; at Arabia Mountain, learn the skills of macro photography by getting closeups of plants like Diamorpha; and finish the day with wildlife photography at Panola Mountain.
Meet the Photographer
Larry Winslett has won awards for his nature photography, particularly for his work documenting Georgia’s monadnocks (Arabia, Stone and Panola Mountains). He leads workshops and tours throughout North America and, during Monadnock Madness, provides his classroom experience to those who sign up for his workshop. He and his wife, Julie Winslett, have created two books about the nature of Stone Mountain: Wildflowers of Stone Mountain and Stone Mountain: A Walk in the Park. Join the Monadnock Madness Nature Photography Workshop and you’ll learn new ways of seeing and documenting the natural world.
Reserve a spot here.
Look below for a few photos from last year’s workshop!