Discover Geocaching at the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area

As summer is coming up, we’re all looking for more ways to get outside and enjoy the AMNHA. One of those ways

Geocaching uses satellite data to help you find treasure troves – “geocaches” – located in designated spots. Geocaches can be hidden almost anywhere, from beneath a pile of rocks to the remains of a historic building to along a fence line in former dairy pasture. You find these caches by downloading the “Geocaching” app on your smartphone (or on a gps).

Once you’re in the app, a map will appear with green icons that show where the geocaches are. You may be surprised to find that there are likely to be dozens around you, including throughout the AMNHA. Use the smartphone to guide you to the geocaches.




Geocaching is fun on its own, but you can also earn prizes as you find these treasure troves.










The AMNHA features three special passports that you can complete to earn either a geocoin or a pathtag, both trackable souvenirs that some geocachers like to leave as the caches they have visited. You can register some of these prizes and track their travels from geocache to geocache across the country.

We have three passports you can use to guide your AMNHA discoveries:

The GEO-Path Passport takes you along the South River, through Arabia and Panola Mountains, and through historic downtown Lithonia.

The Past and Present Passages Passport takes you through a patchwork of old farmland and natural areas around Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve and the surrounding area.

The Lands Less Visited Passport takes you to some parts of the AMNHA many people would not see otherwise.

Come on out and explore! Geocaching gives you a different perspective about the world around you as you realize there’s something exciting hidden under every rock.