AWARE Wildlife Tours Are Back

AWARE Wildlife Center’s free weekend public tours will be returning July 3rd and 4th, just in time for the holiday! Visitors are invited to stop by the wildlife center that day to meet some of the ambassador animals (individuals that, due to their injuries, cannot be released back into the wild) and see the facilities. Tours will occur weekly at 1pm on Saturday and Sunday from July 3rd onward. See all upcoming dates at our Events Calendar.
“Going forward, every Saturday and Sunday at 1pm, weather permitting, visitors can come behind the AWARE gates to meet some permanent resident ambassador animals, hear their stories, and learn how to peacefully coexist with wildlife,” said AWARE Executive Director Scott Lange.
Tours will last around 30 minutes and be outside-only. Masks are optional and vaccinations are strongly encouraged. Limited public parking is available at the Arabia Mountain lot at 4158 Klondike Road, Stonecrest, GA 30038. Visitors can also reach AWARE by walking or biking from the main Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve lot, located at 3787 Klondike Road.
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