Alternate Trails at Arabia Mountain

The Mountain Top and Rock Outcrop trails at Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve have been packed lately (so much so, in fact, that we’ve been asking people to use alternate parking lots). But did you know that there are many other trails in the Nature Preserve for you to explore as well? Here’s a breakdown of what – and where- they are:

1. The Boomerang TrailEnjoy this shady, wooded trail for a nice stroll. Access begins at 6775 South Goddard Road, and the trail is marked with red paint stripes. 

2. Laurel Creek Trail: Another shaded forest path, the Laurel Creek Trail runs along a small waterway and through gently sloping woods. Access to the trail is at 6775 South Goddard Road. The trail is marked with white paint stripes.

3. Wilburn Farm Trail: Step out of the woods and walk through the beautiful grasslands of Wilburn Farm. Access to the trail is at 4028 Evans Mill Road. The trail is marked with orange paint stripes and ends just after the old homestead ruins and pond.

Additionally, while the boardwalk is under repair, there is a new trail to the top of Arabia Mountain itself. Take a left onto the dirt trail just after the crosswalk on Klondike Road; follow the instructions in the diagram below:

For more information, and a map of these various trails, click here.